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The Networking Channel


Fadel Adib


I am an Associate Professor at the MIT Media Lab and EECS. I direct the Signal Kineticsgroup which invents new wireless and sensor technologies to interconnect, sense, and perceive the physical world in ways that were not possible before. Our technologies aim to address complex problems in networking, health monitoring, robotics, and ocean IoT. My research has led to multiple startups. I am currently CEO and co-founder of Cartesian Systems, a startup that aims to sense the physical world at an unprecedented scale and precision. Prior to that, my PhD research on wireless sensing (ACM SIGMOBILE Dissertation Award) led to Emerald Innovations, whose devices are used for remote health monitoring of thousands of patients. I have received various honors for my work, including being named as one of the world’s top 35 innovators under 35, a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, and the ACM SIGMOBILE Rockstar Award. My research was named as one of the 50 ways MIT has transformed computer science, and one of the 103 ways MIT is making a better world. I have had the honor to present my research to multiple heads of state, including demoing to President Obama at the White House. My research has also been broadly featured in public media, and videos featuring my work have reached over 25 million people. Before joining MIT as faculty, I received my Masters (2013) and PhD (2016) in Computer Science from MIT and my Bachelors (2011) from the American University of Beirut.

Haitham AI Hassanieh

Haitham Hassanieh is an associate professor in the School of Communication and Computer Science at EPFL. His research is in the areas of wireless networks, mobile systems, sensing, and algorithms. Before joining EPFL, he was a professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) and he received his Ph.D. from MIT in 2016. His Ph.D. thesis on the Sparse Fourier Transform won the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Sprowls best thesis award at MIT, and TR10 Award for top ten breakthrough technologies in 2012. His research has received best paper awards at ACM SIGCOMM and ACM MobiSys. He is also the recipient of the NSF Career Award, the Google Faculty Research Award, and the Alfred Sloan Foundation Fellowship.
Joerg Widmer

Joerg Widme

Joerg Widmer is Research Director as well as Research Professor at IMDEA Networks in Madrid, Spain. His research focuses on wireless networks, ranging from extremely high frequency millimeter-wave communication and MAC layer design to mobile network architectures. From 2005 to 2010, he was manager of the Ubiquitous Networking Research Group at DOCOMO Euro-Labs in Munich, Germany, leading several projects in the area of mobile and cellular networks. Before, he worked as post-doctoral researcher at EPFL, Switzerland on ultra-wide band communication and network coding. He was a visiting researcher at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, USA, University College London, UK, and TU Darmstadt, Germany. Joerg Widmer authored more than 200 conference and journal papers and three IETF RFCs, and holds 14 patents. He serves on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Elsevier Computer Networks and the program committees of several major conferences. He was awarded an ERC consolidator grant, the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, a Mercator Fellowship of the German Research Foundation, a Spanish Ramon y Cajal grant, as well as thirteen best paper awards. He is Fellow of the IEEE and Distinguished Member of the ACM.
Jie Xiong

Jie Xiong

Jie Xiong’s research interests are in sensor-free and contact-free wireless sensing, mobile health and wireless networking. He joined CICS in January 2018 as an assistant professor. Xiong earned his Ph.D. in computer science from University College London in 2015 and is the recipient of a Google European Doctoral Fellowship and a British Computer Society Distinguished Dissertation Award runner-up. He will also be affiliated with UMass Amherst’s Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS). 

Qian Zhang

Dr. Zhang joined Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Sept. 2005 where she is now Tencent Professor of Engineering and Chair Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She is also serving as the Director of HKUST MOE/MSRA Information Technology Key Laboratory and the Director of Digital Life Research Center of HKUST. Before that, she was in Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, from July 1999, where she was the research manager of the Wireless and Networking Group. Dr. Zhang has published more than 400 refereed papers in international leading journals and key conferences. She is the inventor of more than 50 granted and 20 pending International patents. Her current research interests include Internet of Things (IoT), smart health, mobile computing and sensing, wireless networking, as well as cyber security. She is a Fellow of the IEEE and the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Science (HKAES). Dr. Zhang has received MIT TR100 (MIT Technology Review) world’s top young innovator award. She also received the Best Asia Pacific (AP) Young Researcher Award elected by IEEE Communication Society in year 2004. She received the Best Paper Award in Multimedia Technical Committee (MMTC) of IEEE Communication Society in 2005 and Best Paper Award for QShine 2006, IEEE Globecom 2007, IEEE ICDCS 2008, IEEE ICC 2010, IEEE Globecom 2012, and IEEE ICC 2019. She received the Oversea Young Investigator Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2006. She held the Cheung Kong Chair Professor (长江讲座教授) in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2012-2015). She has been elected as IEEE Communication Society Distinguished Lecture from Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2011. She also participated many activities in the IETF ROHC (Robust Header Compression) WG group for TCP/IP header compression. Dr. Zhang was served as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing (TMC) from Jan. 2020 to Dec. 2022. She is a member of Steering Committee of IEEE Infocom and IEEE Trans. on Games. She is the Editorial Board Member of IEEE Transactions in Cognitive Communications and Networking, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Elsevier Computer Communications, and Elsevier Computer Networks. She was also served as the Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. She served as Guest Editor for quite some special issues. Dr. Zhang was a Members-at-Large (2016-2018) of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) and the Director of Technical Services (2016-2017) of IEEE ComSoc. She was the Chair of the Multimedia Communication Technical Committee of the IEEE Communications Society from 2008 to 2010. Dr. Zhang received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Wuhan University, China, in 1994, 1996, and 1999, respectively, all in computer science.
Swarum Kumar

Swarun Kumar


Swarun Kumar is the Sathaye Family Foundation Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University’s ECE department, with an affiliate appointment in the CS department, the HCI Institute and the Cylab Security and Privacy Institute. Swarun heads the laboratory for emerging wireless technologies (WiTech lab). He designs and builds novel systems to enable faster wireless networks and new services. Swarun is a recipient of the 2024 ACM SIGMOBILE Rockstar award, the 2021 ACM SIGBED Early Career Researcher Award, the NSF CAREER award and Google Faculty Research Award. Swarun received the George Sprowls Award for best Ph.D thesis in Computer Science at MIT and the President of India gold medal at IIT Madras

Lili Qiu

Lili Qiu


Dr. Lili Qiu is Assistant Managing Director of Microsoft Research Asia and is mainly responsible for overseeing the research, as well as the collaboration with industries, universities, and research institutes, at Microsoft Research Asia – Shanghai. Dr. Lili Qiu obtained her MS and PhD degrees in computer science from Cornell University. Dr. Qiu is an expert in Internet and wireless networking, and had worked at Microsoft Research Redmond as a researcher in the System & Networking Group from 2001-2004. In 2005, she joined the University of Texas at Austin as an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, and later, in view of her outstanding achievements in the internet and wireless networks fields, she was promoted to a tenured professor and doctoral advisor. Dr. Qiu is an IEEE Fellow, a NAI Fellow and an ACM Fellow and also serves as the ACM SIGMOBILE chair. She was named an ACM Distinguished Scientist and was a recipient of the NSF CAREER award, among many other honors.