Bernardo Huberman
As both a technology pioneer and a disrupter Bernardo is more of a futurist, whose early foresights have resulted in what we see as our everyday realities, than someone tinkering with the status quo. He has played a key role as a thought leader and creator of highly innovative, far-seeing business solutions in technology with his imprint on many product juggernauts that we see today, for billions in revenues. Working with a crack team he conceived of the first market-based resource allocation system for computer networks in 2000, which was a forerunner of what is now cloud computing. He then exploited the emergence of the world-wide-web to pioneer the use of large data sets to ID communities and predict technologies’ future trends. He was also the inventor of ePrint, the first system that used cloud computing to print anywhere in the world from any mobile device, for millions in new revenues at HP.
Bernardo started his career at the legendary Xerox PARC, where he was first a manager and then Xerox Fellow. There, he created a stream of innovations such as Beehive, a system that used email exchanges to ID intra-org communities of practice. His work on distributed smart matter led to controlling both smart matter and office climate; inventions that were widely covered by the media like the New York Times. Most recently, as Sr. Fellow and lab Director at HP/HPE, he was responsible for setting strategic directions for the creation of new market-ready technologies. There, he influenced both pioneering disruptive technology solutions and how they catapult a business in a market-leadership role, helping HP/HPE increase its revenues. As an active participant and advisor in a number of important technology and policy forums, Bernardo has made highly impactful presentations to large customer groups and to top policy makers in the US, EU, UK, and Singapore. Since joining CableLabs he is applying AI techniques to networking, and started a successful effort in quantum communications. Bernardo has been issued 76 patents, published hundreds of technical reports and papers in peer-reviewed journals, and is the author of several books. His h-index is 103.

Marcello Caleffi
Marcello Caleffi is with the DIETI Department, University of Naples Federico II, and with the National Laboratory of Multimedia Communications, National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT). From 2010 to 2011, he was with the Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology, as visiting researcher. In 2011, he was also with the NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya (N3Cat) at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), as visiting researcher.
Since July 2018, he held the Italian national habilitation as Full Professor in Telecommunications Engineering. His work appeared in several premier IEEE Transactions and Journals, and he received multiple awards, including best strategy, most downloaded article, and most cited article awards.
Currently, he serves as editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering and IEEE Communications Letters. He has served as Chair, TPC Chair, and TPC Member for several premier IEEE conferences. In 2017, he has been appointed as elected treasurer of the IEEE ComSoc/VT Italy Chapter and as Distinguished Lecturer from the IEEE Computer Society. In 2019, he has been also appointed as member of the IEEE New Initiatives Committee from the IEEE Board of Directors.

Stephan Ritter
Stephan Ritter worked in academia for 15 years, covering topics like laser cooling and trapping, Bose-Einstein condensation and atom lasers, cavity QED, quantum information processing and in particular quantum networks. In 2017 Stephan moved to industry. At TOPTICA, he established the quantum solutions team, which he is currently leading and expanding. The goal of his team is to provide custom lasers and photonics solutions for the most demanding applications in quantum technologies, ranging from quantum metrology and quantum networks to quantum computing and simulation.

Stefano Pirandola
I am a deep expert in quantum technology with 190+ publications in the areas of quantum communication, computing, networking, security, machine learning, sensing, and metrology.
This is my Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bV8llfkAAAAJ&hl=en
This is my collection of scientific papers: https://arxiv.org/search/quant-ph?searchtype=author&query=Pirandola%2C+S

Claudio Cicconetti
I have a PhD in Information Engineering from the University of Pisa (2007), where I also received my Laurea degree in Computer Science Engineering. I have been working in Intecs from 2009 to 2013 as an R&D Manager and a Business Unit leader within the Telecommunications division, where I also acted as the official contact for ETSI and Net!Works. From 2014 to 2018 I have been a software engineer at MBI working on the design, development, validation, and operation of Software Defined Radio powered satellite communication platforms. I am now a Researcher in the Ubiquitous Internet group of IIT-CNR, where I am the head of the |Quantum⟩ lab since 2022. I have been the project manager of projects FP7 CROWD and ESA SAT4NET, and I have been involved in FP7 projects SANDRA and MOTO, FP6 project EuQoS, Celtic WINNER+, and other national R&D projects (QuaSAR, NADIR, IPERMOB, ARTES 4.0, QUANCOM). I am currently involved in H2020 project MARVEL and Horizon Europe projects EDGELESS (where I am the scientific manager), 6Green, HPCQS, and QUID; I participate to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) in three initiatives: ICSC national centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI), and SEcurity and RIghts in the CyberSpace (SERICS). In 2021 I have been the recipient, with Prof. Enzo Mingozzi, of a research grant awarded by the Networking Team at Facebook. In 2023 I won the Quantum Internet Application Challenge organized by the Quantum Internet Alliance with qperf. I am an editor of the IEEE Networking Letters and a member of the program committee of several international conferences (including IEEE PerCom, IEEE WoWMoM, IEEE ISCC, IEEE WCNC, ACM CCgrid). I co-authored 80+ papers published in international journals, peer-reviewed conference proceedings and book chapters, and two international patents, with an h-index of 28 (Google scholar). I have an Erdös number of three and a Dijkstra number of four.

Andrea Passarella
Andrea Passarella (Ph.D 2005) is currently a Research Director at the Institute for Informatics and Telematics (IIT) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). Prior to join IIT he was with the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, UK.
He has published 160+ papers on Online and Mobile social networks, opportunistic, ad hoc and sensor networks, receiving several best papers awards. He is the founding Associate Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier Online Social Networks. He is co-author of the book “Online Social Networks: Human Cognitive Constraints in Facebook and Twitter Personal Graphs” (Elsevier, 2015). He is the chair of the IFIP WG 6.3 “Performance of Communication Systems”. He was and is involved in several expert groups for EU programmes (FIRE, Networld2020, NGI) and was CNR (co-)PI for several research and innovation projects in FP6, FP7 and H2020 in the areas of FET Proactive, Future Internet, FIRE, FoF, Smart Cities, as well as EIT Digital.